TheSoundWell MAT
Price: $2800
TheSoundWell Vibro-Mat includes a combination of 6 built in transducers for low sound frequencies and a music speaker.
The systems includes a tablet with 7 low sound frequencies composed by Olav Skille - The Inventor of Vibroacoustic Therapy
6 low sound frequencies + 2 music speaker.
While listening to music you feel the vibrations as inner body massage.
Alternative usage: - streaming Olav Skille low sound frequencies which are included in a special tablet.
Thickness: 4" Width: 27" Length: 74"
25 lbs.
material: soft leather-like vinyl (health standards if requested + 10% price increase)
Shipped by UPS Ground
warranty: One Year
Outstanding Features:
Whole body sonic inner body massage and music vibroacoustic mat.
Harmonic Sonic waves rinse the whole body with stimulating and soothing sound vibrations.
Light weight-easily portable. Can be folded in half.
Can be placed on a variety of surfaces:
a. Flat and hard - massage table or floor.
b. Soft - a lounge, beach chair or bed. -
Bluetooth Amplifier and a tablet with 7 built in frequencies .
eBook about Vibroacoustic Therapy
On Line training
Individual Stress Reduction
Calming restless behavior
Reduces mental, emotional and physical stress
Tuning and optimizing the body vibrational energy system
Enhancing self help and mind-brain tapes
Making the mind-body connection
Recreational Therapy
Occupational Therapy
Music Therapy
Physical Therapy
Holistic health and alternative medicine practice